Is a bespoke chandelier generated using swarm systems.
Bent Aluminium Pipe, Flexible LED, Eco-Friendly PETG.
Drift is a contextual piece driving inspiration from both the client brief and the geographical neighbourhood of the studio at the time. On one hand the commision asked for a light sculpture inspired by flight and community whilst on the other hand the studio was neighbouring a workshop that was fabricating rollcages for racecars.
Bent Aluminium Pipe, Flexible LED, Eco-Friendly PETG.
Drift is a contextual piece driving inspiration from both the client brief and the geographical neighbourhood of the studio at the time. On one hand the commision asked for a light sculpture inspired by flight and community whilst on the other hand the studio was neighbouring a workshop that was fabricating rollcages for racecars.

Client: Hermann Oberth International German School ︎ ︎
Date: September 2021
Location: 15 Emil Racovita Street, Bucharest (RO)
Date: September 2021
Location: 15 Emil Racovita Street, Bucharest (RO)
DRIFT is both the act of taking a sharp turn whilst purposefully losing traction on the rear
wheels as well as a not so well known term for a flock of swans.

The design process made use of a simulated “flock” of boids circling a virtual “food source”. The resulting trails were discretised as to accomodate a limited number of angles in order to facilitate fabrication. The instructions for bending the aluminium pipes were generated algorithmically and each unique piece was checked for deviations using custom CNC routed jigs.

Finally, DRIFT strikes a balance between organic and mathematical. bridging local craftsmanship with digital fabrication.